Saturday 6 February 2010

Waking up at 8 P.M

So waking up at 8 P.M is not a way to start a day off.

I also managed to dodge any kind of important things i had to do during the night. Like cleaning and studying or sorting out my sleeping. Another day well played

These last few days have been quite event full and kept me busy. For better and for worse. I've had my friends do some dumb shit that I’ve laughed about. And I've had a few very upsetting conversation that have thoroughly pissed me off, worst part is. I feel like i can't do anything about it.

Helplessness is something that I'm not... well, I was planning on saying used to, but that would be wrong. I've experienced it a lot of times, I just, can't adapt or accept it. I'm the kinda person that always says, deal with shit, and don’t run away. If you’re unhappy about something. Do something about it.

Study results, relationships etc. If something is bothering you, try to solve it. And if that is not possible, move on and leave it behind you. But problem is to this problem there really isn’t anything I can do about this problem. This frustrates me greatly.

I should stop beating round the bush here.

My kid brother is 11. I had a few calls from him this week. Every time he was on the other end crying and feeling scared, because my parents were fighting. The reason this pisses me off is because i remember all the time i was scared shitless when my father was shouting and threatening, when mother was crying and screaming and insulting. A a lot of bad experiences. And of course it changed me. I don't want to sound like a whiny wimp, I guess a lot of kids had it worse off than me, but, it wasn’t a dance on flowers. More importantly. I remember how shit I felt when my parents argued. And I don't want that for my brother. Yet, how can I make them stop? They fight over petty things, they fight for days. Hours on hours on hours. They would fight for 4 hours straight. Then for various reason it could stop, only to start again in the middle of the night at 4 am again for another 3. Then later that night/next day it would still start up again.

Crying, shouting, insults, threats and even sometimes physical violence. It gets to you if you're young. Especially if your parents go at it like mine.

I've moved out now, Guess that was my way of dealing with it. I don't give a shit about how my parents feel about one another, nor what they do. It's their lives, and i learned a long time ago that they aren't worth the effort of giving a rats ass about. But, my brother on the other hand, is probably the most important person in my life. I can't find a way to stop them without making things worse, and I can't find a way to help my brother then to bring him to me every now and then. But I still have 2 flat mates who are highly entangled in Uni life's "drinking and fucking" stage. Not to mention I have limited time already to study because of various reasons.

Sigh, guess I just needed to vent a bit. My parents tend to get to me. Big time...

Anyways, sorry for the less awesome news, that can't really be interesting to read about. The rest of my week was, I wouldn't call it interesting, but, amusing at least.

I got a haircut a few days ago, but I’m not going to bore you with details about my haircut, I’d do a horrible job anyway. Instead I’m going to talk about the interaction between myself, the barber, Raph and Mikey.

When I first came into his shop the barber was missing, he was in the coffee shop across the street, guess business was slow that day. After standing around for a min or two he came in through the front door. A man in his late 40's, from the Middle East I guessed. I found out he was Assyrian a few min later. At the time i was alone, my friends were looking around for Valentine gifts for their GF's.

me and the barber started talking, I told him how i wanted my hair, and that i wanted him to do it properly, since I always get so pissed off when people mess up. He told me he understood what I was aiming for and that he could probably do it. Now here's when i get a bit worried. The barber shop is empty, very empty. The fact that the barber was at a coffee shop meant he didn't really have any appointments anytime soon. Another red flag was that the price was only 15 euro. Usually you get what you pay for, anything cheap is usually shit right? But I’m a student, I'm not that rich, and i can't afford spending the usual 40 euro on what a haircut usually costs around here (if not more). So I guess I braced myself for the worse when i sat down in the chair.

I usually don't talk much when I’m getting my hair cut, because it seems the barber usually fucks up then, big time. This is from the time I actually paid 45 euro for a haircut, which ended up with me looking like a bloody jarhead. No thx, 45 euro for a haircut I could do myself in 10 min with a machine cutter? I was very pissed that day.

Back to the current barber. To my surprise he was quite intelligent, and we had a interesting discussion about religion, immigrants, assimilation, common misconceptions. It was a very interesting conversation, and towards the end Raph and Mikey came in and sat down.

During this whole time I hadn’t given my hair much thought, and i couldn't see shit about how it looked, since I have to take off my glasses when getting my hair cut. With them coming in and waking me up a bit I realized he was almost done, and i had not warned him of a single error our pointed out any faults, because I wasn’t paying attention. I asked Mikey and Raph how my hair looked and they mumbled something my way.

Loving friends with tons of feedback right? Bracing for the worse I put on my glasses again and looked into the mirror. Surprisingly, very surprisingly, I noticed that he didn't do any mistakes. The hair looked good. He actually did understand me and executed the cut correctly. Annoyed at Raph and Mikey i turned around and found out why they just sat there saying nothing, they were both eyeballing a sports magazine. God damn jocks.

When it came to paying the man I actually felt a bit ashamed paying such a low price since the service was worth much more, but hell, students take what they can, right?

After i left the place Mikey looks at me and says

L, you must be one of the most social people i know, how the hell can you just sit and get into such a deep discussion with a random person?

What do i know, hell i don't care. At least i got my haircut right.

(Re reading this i realize this must have been pure pain and boredom to read through. I knew i should have gone with the story about Raph coming back drunk and our conversation then.)

Anyways, i should go get things ready now. In a few hours a friend of mine is coming over and i need to entertain her for the evening. She's about to move to England in a few days so we decided to meet up one last time before she heads out. Her name shall be...

Lazer Cat!

Why the name? Well it's a bit of a inside joke, and anyone trying to explain a inside joke just sounds crazy in the end. But anyways! As she's not from around here and is supposed to spend the night here i need to plan out the entertainment for the day. I'm thinking cooking dinner, after that heading over to a friends party, then when we get back home watch a movie.

Tomorrow i'll tell you all about Raph's previous night and also about my night tonight. There will be fun stories, always are after me and Lazer Cat get drunk togheter.

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